Kin to War

By b. Robert Moore

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What set you claim when you from both hoods? 

Growing up, British Knights or “BKs” were a clothing brand but also a cultural gang reference. “Blood Killers.” I remember knowing you better not get caught in the wrong area wearing it.

In this work, I’m referencing world war history, and the role the Black American has played. Both as voluntary and involuntarily sacrificing of their lives. Often fighting a battle for two sides of   historical colonialism.

Kinda messed up actually.

Reminds me of Medgar Evars. Evars served in the United States Army during World War II from 1943 to 1945. He was sent to the European Theater where he participated in the Normandy landings in June 1944.

Only to return home to continue fighting another war, a civil war here in America.

As a Black American, many of us have both African and European lineage as a result of Rape and Derogation of the Black community from our colonizers.  I’m also biracial so I have direct connection to both European and African lineage equally.

– b. Robert Moore

Acrylic, charcoal, saw dust, Ethiopian coffee, Ethiopian coffee burlap, polyurethane, oil pigment on Belgian linen

*unique painting



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Dimensions 40 × 30 in


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